Monday 6 February 2012

Song of the Day: #12

Anyone who holds the opinion that a person should not be allowed to wear a t-shirt for a band they haven't heard of, is a moron. The Ramones were a brilliant band, one of the best of all time, and yes I do have a Ramones t-shirt ,but I don't wear that t-shirt to show everyone that I listen to The Ramones, I wear that t-shirt because I like the look of it.

Music is about, shock horror, the music. It's not about people being told they can't wear a t-shirt because they can't name a single song by the artist's name emblazoned on their chest. Elitist music fans are the worst, because music is for everyone, not just for those who feel they know more about it than others.

In honour of this mini-rant, I am going to make The Ramones my song of the day. Do you think The Ramones cared about who wore their t-shirts? No. They cared about the music. This is a cover they did of The Ronettes single, 'Baby, I Love You', which featured on their album End of the Century. It is amazing.

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