Wednesday 1 February 2012

Charli XCX

While the phrase 'goth-pop' (no, wait, come back!) may not have you trembling with excitement, Charli XCX is definitely someone to take note of. When she started to make waves in 2009, with songs like 'Art Bitch', I admittedly had my reservations about how much staying power she had. At the time it felt like the record label she was with were trying to emulate the success of artists like Lily Allen and Kate Nash by forcing a then 15-year-old Charli into the twee-pop mould.

However, 2011 was a completely different story. Charli XCX returned in the early summer with the monstrous hit 'Stay Away', recalling the sound of Shakespeare's Sister. 'Stay Away' sounds fresh and bursting with ideas, demonstrating how Charli has far outgrown her peers and treads her own path. 'Stay Away' was followed up by 'Nuclear Seasons' which cemented her intentions to make a mark on the world. Her debut album is expected to drop later this year and promises to be a very inventive and unique piece of work. You can listen to 'Stay Away' and 'Nuclear Seasons' below.

'Stay Away'

'Nuclear Seasons'

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