Tuesday 21 February 2012

Rihanna & Chris Brown. Round 2.

Sooooooooo, Chris Brown and Rihanna are back together then? Well, in the studio at least. When the rumours surfaced that there would be not one, but two remixes gracing the music world featuring the former couple, I don't think there were many people, if any, who saw it coming. Everyone knows what Chris Brown did to his then-girlfriend Rihanna. It's been discussed to death. But, I suppose if you love someone, then you'll love them no matter what. If Rihanna can forgive Chris, why can't we?

Personally, I loath Chris Brown. Musically, he's very talented, and that cannot be denied. But, as a person, from an outsiders perspective, he is a thug who has displayed abhorrent behaviour time and time again. Saying that, I don't personally know the guy so I don't suppose I'll ever really know what he's like, but as woman-beaters go, he's pretty scummy.

However, music is what we're hear to discuss, and it is the remixes of Rihanna's 'Birthday Cake' and Chris's 'Turn Up The Music' that we shall proceed with. In short, 'Birthday Cake' blows 'Turn Up The Music' out of the water. 'TUTM' is just vapid, album-filler music that contains nothing to get worked up about. It's a generic "in the club", "hand in the air", "on the floor" affair, something Pitbull did to death in 2011. Rihanna's verses increase the enjoyability of the song somewhat, but not to a point where I can look past the "I love you baby" ad-lib from Rih Rih. Seriously, Rihanna, this soon?

On the other hand we have 'Birthday Cake', an outstanding piece of work. When Rihanna's latest album, Talk That Talk, was released many were left stumped when track six stopped suddenly after just over a minute. This led to Rihanna explaining that there would be a remix that would, and I quote, "shock the world". Shock the world she definitely did. I've give Chris his dues, while the line "give it to her in the worst way" leaves a little bit of a sour taste in my mouth, he gives a pretty solid performance on the track, rapping one verse and singing the other. Rihanna also mixes up her vocal delivery throughout the song, which is always enjoyable to hear. 'Birthday Cake' will be a staple in many clubs for the foreseeable future and rightly so, because it's a brilliant song, regardless of the situation.

Check out both songs below and let me know what you think..

'Turn Up The Music'

'Birthday Cake'

BONUS: Check out previous Chris Brown and Rihanna collaborations 'Umbrella Remix' and 'Bad Girl'.

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