Saturday 4 February 2012

Song of the Day: #11

I don't think I will hear a better album than Born To Die this year. I know that it has had its critics, saying that the songs lack any emotional depth and that it is just not believable, but I buy into it completely. Her voice just moves something inside of me, and I can't help but fall in love with her. Sounding so vulnerable, honest and raw, Born To Die is such emotive listening. If you haven't picked up a copy of the album yet I cannot explain how much you need to do so. You need this album in your life.

Since I purchased Born To Die, I have not stopped listening to it. What usually happens is that I will listen to an album a few times, work out which songs I like the most, and then cut the rest from my iPod. However, twenty full listens in and then entirety of Born To Die remains intact. Picking my favourite song from the album has been hard because it changes everyday. Initially it was the title track 'Born To Die', then it changed to 'This Is What Makes Us Girls' but I seem to have settled on 'Dark Paradise', for now. It'll probably be 'Radio' tomorrow.

Listen to 'Dark Paradise' below.

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