Monday 20 February 2012

Jessie J in the BBC Live Lounge

I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with Miss Jessica Cornish. At times she can genuinely phenomenal, and at other times cringingly vapid. When she stopped by the BBC Live Lounge last week she displayed both of these sides to us.

I cannot lie, 'Domino', Jessie J's latest hit-single, is brilliant. An outstanding vocal performance from the singer and an infectiously catchy beat equal a fantastic piece of music. It might borrow heavily from the works of Katy Perry, but is that necessarily a bad thing? Not at all. I was prepared for Jessie to murder the song in the live lounge, what with her tendency to exaggerate every. single. note. during her live performances, but I was pleasantly surprised that she stuck to the original structure of the song. (We'll ignore the unnecessary repetition of "domino" at the end. We all know you can sing, you'd don't need to show us your vocal scales).


Then we come on to the mystery cover, with Miss J opting for the little know, cult-classic 'We Found Love' by Rihanna. This isn't bad cover, per se, but it is very very boring. It shows a lack of effort or imagination on behalf of Jessie J, which makes the performance instantly forgettable. I suppose what was most disappointing about the performance, was how obvious it was, from the song choice to the delivery. OBVIOUSLY Jessie J was going to do a ballad and OBVIOUSLY she was going to sing a very recent song that everyone has already heard a million times, and OBVIOUSLY she would do the "l-l-l-l-love" (see 2:23) bit. She should have taken a leaf out of Anna Calvi's book and performed a song that noone expected (C'mon, who thought 'the female Nick Cave' would cover Beyonce?). Conclusion: You must try harder Jessica.

'We Found Love' (Rihanna Cover)

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